Gathered Linen Skirt with Scalloped Pockets

Gathered Linen Skirt with Scalloped Pockets

I often see gathered waist skirts and think "that's pretty", and then somehow never get around to buying one (which is an unusual talent, given my general addiction to shopping). After seeing so many gorgeous gathered skirts recently, I caved in and decided to make one myself. The scalloped pockets were partially inspired by Kindling after seeing this local designer brand at Markit. Check out the Kindling website for the beautiful array of skirts. I found this beautiful linen at The Fabric Store and had to have it! As is typical for myself, I went for the creative option and made the skirt without a pattern. I got the basic width of fabric by using the same measurements as the pattern for the Cream Ponti Swing Dress and then basically made the rest up. The scallops on the pockets were a bit trial and error and resulted in trying a few different scallop shapes until I got it right.

The above image shows the construction of the pockets. I sewed the scallops into the pocket seams and then sewed the pocket into the side and top seams of the skirt. One thing I've learnt from this experience is that it isn't easy to make a gathered skirt with pockets! I ended up having to take the skirt in a bit, as it looked a bit too bulky, which resulted in slightly shallower pockets than anticipated. Otherwise, I'm quite happy with the result and looking forward to getting some wear out of this skirt!

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