Finding my feet in London

Finding my feet in London

Carnaby Street Christmas lights 2

Carnaby Street Christmas lights 2

So much has happened in my second week in London. I got the job that I was interviewed for and start on Monday! I had honestly expected the job hunt to take a lot longer, so I was pleasantly surprised when the right job came along at the right time. I have also spent more time exploring this huge city and discovering new places.

Liberty Christmas shop

Liberty Christmas shop

After my second interview on Tuesday, I spent the rest of the day wandering around central London. I walked through Carnaby Street, which has some super fun decorations up for Christmas. I then found my way to Regent Street and Liberty. Who can resist a trip to Liberty? The store is filled head-to-toe with some serious eye candy. Of course, I had to head to the fabrics section. I can think of so many gorgeous things to make - I'm just lacking my sewing machine at the moment! The Christmas shop was filled with some beautiful decorations and I just had to take two home with me.

I stumbled across the Design Museum on Wednesday after viewing a flat in the same area. I didn't even realise it existed until I found it, but I definitely recommend this museum to anyone with an interest in design. The Beazley Designs of the Year is currently on display, which gives visitors the chance to vote for their favourite design in each category.

British Museum 2

British Museum 2

On Thursday I had brunch with a new friend and visited the British Museum. We headed straight for some of the most eery sections of the museum filled with mummies and actual dead bodies - I'm still not sure how I feel about looking at dead bodies in glass boxes! I stayed in the city centre so I could see the Christmas lights switch-on event on Regent Street in the evening. The count-down featured Emma Bunton along with several bands I'd never heard of (I guess I need to catch up on the UK charts). It was great to get into the Christmas spirit, even if it is only November. I'm really looking forward to all the fun cold weather Christmas things on offer!

Regent Street switch on 3

Regent Street switch on 3

I'm now in the process of trying to find a share house to move into. I spent my Saturday visiting various potential new homes and managed to also fit in a visit to Borough Market and Greenwich. I was blown away by the delicious food at Borough Market - it far exceeded my expectations! I only had a quick visit to Greenwich at the end of the day and saw the Queen's House. I'll definitely be back to see more of Greenwich.

Borough Markets cheese

Borough Markets cheese

No more sleeping in

No more sleeping in

The beginning of a new adventure

The beginning of a new adventure