Christmas Time Craft

Christmas Time Craft

I can't believe it's already Christmas! Thankfully I managed to complete all of my Christmas shopping a week in advance and even managed to squeeze in some time so make some Christmas cards. These Christmas cards were very simple to make and best of all, used materials that I already had. I tend to keep wrapping paper if it's still in good condition and looks useable, including the spotty paper that I have used for my Christmas baubles and presents. The shiny patterned paper is from an origami pack that I got for a steal at Daiso (like everything else in that amazing shop)! I made a few different variations of the baubles and presents, swapping the height of the baubles and placement of the different styles of wrapping paper. I then used a black liner to create the strings for the baubles and the ribbon on the presents. Given that my family have a tradition of opening our presents on Christmas Eve, we have only a day and a half left until everyone gets to tear these present open, so I'm getting a tad excited. I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a relaxing break.





Holiday Season

Holiday Season

The Big Design Market

The Big Design Market