Screwdriver Top by Our Lady of Leisure

Screwdriver Top by Our Lady of Leisure

Screwdriver Top and Persephone Pants.jpg

The Screwdriver Wrap Shirt by Our Lady of Leisure is quite possibly my favourite make so far! I just love the Lady McElroy Crowded Faces Cotton Lawn. I often find it hard to find a fabric that I love as much as the unique patterns I see on some ready-to-wear clothing but this fabric is an exception. I first started to see the Crowded Faces fabric on Instagram and couldn’t resist buying it. There are quite a few shops selling this fabric in the UK but I bought mine from Fabric Godmother. In the past, I always tried to avoid stashing fabrics without a purpose but I just couldn’t resist this one!

Gorman Wrap Top.jpeg

I decided that I really wanted to make a wrap top with the fabric so I started Googling for the right pattern. I was inspired by the below wrap shirt from Gorman, an Australian fashion label. it wasn’t as easy as I thought to find a similar pattern but I finally found the Screwdriver Top. This pattern is designed to have folded sleeves but since this fabric has such an amazing pattern, I wanted to make sure it was on show. I had also purchased the The Blouse pattern from The Avid Seamstress at the same time, so I used the sleeves from this pattern to create a simple straight sleeve on my Screwdriver Top.

Testing the sleeve from The Blouse by The Avid Seamstress on the Screwdriver Top

Testing the sleeve from The Blouse by The Avid Seamstress on the Screwdriver Top

The sleeve on the Screwdriver Top had a much wider shoulder opening compared to The Avid Seamstress Blouse so I traced the shoulder opening from the Screwdriver Top and then tapered it to the much narrower sleeve on The Blouse. I had expected it to take a few goes to get it right, but it was surprisingly simple and I ended up with really nice sleeves.

Attaching the facing and the wrap to the top

Attaching the facing and the wrap to the top

I love the large bow on this pattern - it really adds to the look and in fact, I actually like this top more than the Gorman wrap top I was originally inspired by! it was a really easy pattern to make and I didn’t make any real mistakes - which is so unusual for me. The lack of fastenings also makes it so much easier to make - and wear. This is definitely a pattern I would consider making again.

Persephone Pants by Anna Allen take two

Persephone Pants by Anna Allen take two

Persephone Pants by Anna Allen

Persephone Pants by Anna Allen