The Big Design Market Coming Soon!

The Big Design Market Coming Soon! I always get very excited about markets - I love farmers markets, general food markets and vintage markets, but most of all I love design and craft markets. In about three weeks time the Royal Exhibition Building will be welcoming another fabulous market, The Big Design Market, just in time for all of that Christmas shopping. The lovely Dandelyne (who's embroidery necklace I posted about) has announced she will be going, and I am sure there will be many other amazing stall holders. I can't wait to wander the aisles and explore all of the crafty goodness, and hopefully I'll pick up a few more Christmas presents on my way.

A Weekend Away on the Great Ocean Road

A Weekend Away on the Great Ocean Road

Dandelyne Miniature Embroidery Necklace

Dandelyne Miniature Embroidery Necklace