My First Attempt at Sewing Swimwear

My First Attempt at Sewing Swimwear

Bathers Fabric

Bathers Fabric

After heading into The Fabric Store with the intention of buying striped fabric, I walked out with some swimwear fabric that I found in the clearance basket for $12. Not exactly what I had planned, but exciting all the same since I've absolutely never tried sewing swimwear before. I bought this roll of white fabric which came from Anna and Boy and now I'm wondering what type of swimwear to make. Should I got with a bikini or a full piece? I keep sketching a whole lot of interesting ideas and then wonder to myself if given that it's my first attempt, I should focus on making something simple. There's definitely a pro to going with a full piece, as they could become my actual swimming bathers (which is something I lack) and may be easier than trying to make separate pieces. On the other hand, a bikini could be a bit more fun to make. I would love any tips from anyone who's made swimwear before. Stay tuned for the result!

Bathers Inspiration

Bathers Inspiration

How to sew your own Bikini

How to sew your own Bikini

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