Stripe Ponti Dress Inspiration
I was recently shopping around Melbourne and came across this beautiful Stripe Ponti Ball Dress by Nicholas in Green with Envy. I instantly fell in love with the dress and was coming up with imaginary situations in my head of how I was going to buy the dress and then live off plain spaghetti for a few weeks... but who am I kidding? I can't afford to buy a $390 dress just for the sake of it. In fact I probably couldn't even afford it if I had a special occasion! But never fear, there is a back up plan because I can sew!
I've since been searching around online looking for a pattern so I can re-create this amazing dress for a mere fraction of the cost. While I'm yet to find an exact match, I have found a Swing Dress pattern on Burda Style which has a similar elegance to it and may be an even better match to my straight up and down figure. What I also love about the Swing Dress pattern is it's versatility. This dress could work really well for the office, an evening dinner or a special occasion, and I love versatile clothes. Why buy or make something you're only going to wear a handful of times? Tomorrow I'm going out in search of the perfect fabric (I'm hoping to find a lovely stripe) so I'll keep you posted on my progress.